
Spiritual Elixir…

Collected talks, writings and messages ofSant Kirpal Singh

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  • Absorb Your Attention“- “Simply look continuously without break with full attention. Nothing more than that.”
  • All the World’s a Play” – “This world is like a magician’s act. He fascinates his audience with his magic; but in the end, what is in it? It is all deception–a grand delusion.”
  • Are You Even Half a Disciple?” – “Sadhu means One in Whom the Lord has manifested – such is the Guru’s True Disciple. The rest of us are disciples of worldly things. These words may seem rather harsh, but they are to help you realize the situation.”
  • Are You The Servant of Your Mind?– “Your mind gets strength from you. Yet your servant, who is dependent on you, is dragging you here, there, and everywhere. Do you think it is honorable?”
  • Attitude for Spreading the Teachings -“Everyone is under the impression that Jesus Christ remains forever. Christ Power remains. But they identify Christ with Jesus, or the human pole, which is not right.”
  • Avoid Nature’s Bill …“- “Spirituality is not so difficult as people had thought it to be–It is very natural, a simple way–but we have made it hard to understand, you see. What is it–withdraw from outside–close your eyes–the seat of the Soul is back of the eyes–that’s it: The whole world is there.”
  • Become His Channel” “So light is the only thing to stand on. What light? Not physical light but the inner Light.”
  • Become More Conscious“- “We are conscious beings. The more we come in contact with All-consciousness, we become more conscious.”
  • Be in Charge of Your Machinery“- “You are attention. You give strength to the body. The whole machinery works on account of you.”
  • Best Use of Your Time” – “The basic teaching of all Masters is that you should find God within your body.”
  • The Best Virtue“- “So the first thing, for clarification, that all Masters give out is to just know that God is seeing you. The God in you is seeing you and the God overhead is seeing . . . “
  • Be the Master of Your Self“- “Can you know yourself? Sometimes you have a dip, then you are dragged outside. You have not become the master of your body.”
  • Be True to Yourself and Live for Others“- “If each man learned to live for others, there would be happiness in the world.”
  • Birds of the Flock Fly Together“- “People have lost their common sense in bigotry and narrow-mindedness. . . So don’t criticize anybody.”
  • The Birthright to Be God” – “… Whoever has got the human body has the birthright to become God, I tell you. There is no exaggeration about it. … “
  • The Cage of the Soul” – “..the soul has become so attached to the body and outgoing faculties that it clings to the outside things and does not wish to let go of them” – from a letter
  • Celebrate a True Birthday“- “So, to be born in what is called a body, a physical form, is like entering a prison. But, it is God’s will that we come, and He knows best.”
  • Change Your Habits Now” – ” O Man, it is the time now to discard your old disreputable habits and adopt new ones…” – Sawan Ashram
  • Charity“- “Why are men so needy and hungry? Because we don’t share. So by sharing with others, our self expands.”
  • Charity and hard earnings“- “It is always better to earn one’s own livelihood honestly, by dint of the hard sweat of your brow and to share with others.”
  • Chastity and Forgiveness” – If you practice the two virtues—chastity and forgiveness—you will find that, without much effort, you will attain higher consciousness, complete awakening, and perfect peace of mind.
  • Clutching — There Must be Some Definite Purpose” – “Three things: definite purpose in view, then tenacity of purpose, perseverance, and chastity of life.”
  • Come Back, My Children” – “Shamas Tabrez says, Out of this temple of the body I am hearing a Sound calling me, come up. Bell is ringing wildly: Come back, my children, come back. You see? And we do not listen.”
  • The Coming Spiritual Revolution” – “The world is already in revolution; but this revolution should be different. This revolution should not be of the body, but against the evil propensities of the mind which keep us away from God.”
  • The condition of the lover of God – or the Master“- “If you direct your attention to the Master, you will become what He is. Whatever is in Him will be transmitted to you, reflected in you.”
  • Criticism“- “By criticizing others, you simply invite that very sin which you are criticizing. As you think, so you become.”
  • Death and Protection“- “I think it is better to let her die consciously. It’s better. Otherwise her consciousness will be morbid and that will affect her soul.”
  • Decide Your Aim in Life
  • Delusion of Doership“- “So long as one feels that one is the doer, One cannot escape from the cycle of births.” Sawan Ashram
  • “The Destiny of a Gurumukh” – “Be grateful to the Maker who gave you this human birth, wherein you can realize Him. It is thy turn to meet Him, through the silence of the heart …” Sawan Ashram
  • Develop All Around” – “The end may be in early life, maybe young life, maybe old life – we are not given any guarantee. The time is appointed, but we do not know it. It is already dated. Develop all around.”
  • Die Before Death” – “All souls have this golden opportunity while in the human form and so we should make use of it and prepare while we can, for the day will come when we have to leave.”
  • The Difficulties in the Way of Developing Devotion to the Master – “To abide by the teachings of the Master is just like treading a razor’s edge.”
  • Don’t Bend Your Elbows“-“What does all this mean? If we make others happy, we will become happy. If we put others in bad condition, we will be put in bad condition.”
  • Don’t Forget Him“- “So Master is the very life of the initiate. Don’t forget Him. Do nothing more, you’ll become what He is. But we are always thinking of the worldly things.”
  • Don’t Think Evil of Others” – “If you think of anybody else,  always think good of them. Why? because they are  your brothers and sisters in God.”
  • Don’t You Want to go Home?“- He (God) sends somebody to tell them to please come back. “You’ve been in exile so long; why don’t you come back and enjoy your home?”
  • Drops of Elixir“- excerpts from letters written during the 1960’s
  • Dyed in the Color of God” – “… My Master is a very competent Person Who can dye us in the color of God..”
  • Ego Trouble“- “Unless man rises above body consciousness while in the body and working from that level, the ego cannot know God.”
  • EK ONKAR, ASHABD, ANAAM” – “There is only one Reality. … but none has been able to describe it … nor will anyone be able to do so. The Reality can neither be known nor … comprehended. One has to merge ones self into It..” Sawan Ashram
  • Enter at the Strait Gate” – “.. Forgotten is the existence of an inner life, forgotten is the inner way to it…”
  • The Esoteric Side of Religion” – “So the other side–the third side, the spiritual side– is the only hope left”
  • “The Essence of Religion” – the Presidential Address given at the Third World Religions Conference in New Delhi, 1965
  • “Factors Necessary for Progress” – “To progress on the way, there are certain things which are very essential. If they are not there, progress won’t be there.”
  • Faith in the Master“- ‘Shamas Tabriz at one place says, “O people, you are going for a pilgrimage. Where are you going? Pilgrimage is here (eye centre).” You see?’
  • Farewell” – “Perhaps each one of you knows that the tongue of love is dumb..”
  • Farewell to the Western World“- “You have got your plane on which you have been given a seat. Now you fly on, on the wings of Light and Sound Current, to go back direct to your homes.”
  • Final Talk at Chicago, 1972 Tour” (1nov72)- “These are six things which stand in the way of our progress on the spiritual way. And there are some constructive points which help us on the Way. Both things should be known.”
  •   “Final Talk at New York City, 1972 Tour”  (12oct72) -“Just like a thief who wants to grab money anytime of the day or night, if you are really after your spiritual progress, snatch away time any time you can. “
  • Finish Something Daily” – “Finish something daily. Doing something daily is also good but I think it is still better to finish something daily.  …   I have learned many things from great mens’ lives.”
  • First See, Then Say“- “So bookish knowledge is all wilderness, no way out. Even the sayings of the Masters are not understood in their right perspective… unless you see.”
  • Five Charged Names“- “there are five planes and the Names given are according to these planes, one by one.”
  • Five Dacoits Are Looting While Man Slumbers” – “Everyone is sleeping and the dacoits (thieves) are looting wildly. Who are these five dacoits? They are anger, lust, greed, attachment, and ego. They are looting the people who are sleeping in a drugged state.”
  • A Flood of Compassion“- “If you hear the Sound and see the Light, you will go straight to the source from which these things are emanating. You will go straight to God.”
  • From Poison to Purity” – “Those people whose soul is powerful achieve success in anything they undertake, because the soul gives strength to the mind, the senses, and the intellect…”
  • The Fruit and its Casing” – “We are living in Him just like a fish lives in the water. The water is never away from the fish – the very life of the fish is water.”
  • Fruit Follows the Flowers” – ” … so when you sit down in God’s remembrance, you should wash away your mind from the worldly attachments only then the true prayer will be performed.”
  • The Gift of the Living Master” – ‘It is the parshad or the gift of the Master: “God gives you God as a parshad to you!” You see?’
  • “Give Thanks to God” a talk given on Thanksgiving day of 1972 at the Disneyland Hotel.
  • God and Man” – “From a careful and unbiased study of the sacred books of the world we find that there is one Reality, which is our goal. That Reality is termed God and by various other names.”
  • God Has Entered My House” a talk relating a hymn by Kabir
  • God Hears the Cry from the Heart” “.. It is God Who makes an arrangement to bring you in contact with Someone in Whom He is manifest. ..”
  • God Power, Christ Power, Master Power” – “…Christ-Power existed ever since the world began and has manifested Itself from time to time at the human pole of the various Masters” (PDF)
  • God’s Complaint” – He says, “I reside in you, and people have thrown Me out. So they raise models which they make with mud and mortar. If they had seen Me they would have known… I am the Light within them. But they just light candles outside.”
  • God’s Message to Mankind” – “…Ever since you were sent down to the world, you have not returned to Me–the True Home–but have stuck fast in the enjoyments of mind and outgoing faculties so much so that you have forgotten even yourself, what to speak of Me.”
  • “Go On Doing It” – “Time is passing. Go on with your . . . what you have been given. See what you can do. He sees always.”
  • Grace Washes Away Everything
  • A Grand Delusion“-” …. This is a grand delusion in which every one of us is being carried away. Unless one rises above the physical level, one cannot come into his own and know reality”
  • Gurmukh and Manmukh” – “God alone is our Eternal Consort. We are so constituted that we cannot rest until we rest in Him.”
  • Gurubhakti: a Lesson in Love” – “Now what is Bhakti (loving devotion)? It is the love of God. God is Love and Love is God. The way back to God is also through love.”
  • Guru, GuruDev, SatGuru” – “While philosophical treatises deal with the theoretical aspect of religions, the mysticism brings you face to face with the Divine Power-of-God.”
  • Harmony“- “The majority of men cannot forgive. Forgiveness requires a very big heart. And how can those who do not like to forgive others expect forgiveness from God?”
  • “Have Grace on Your Own Self” – “If the Grace of God is there and even the Grace of the Godman is there, and you don’t have grace on your own self, then the two graces do not bear full fruit.”
  • Have We Forgotten the Kernel? – “We are too much given up to rituals and outer performances ….  but never put in time to go within.”
  • Have You Heard Me?”- “Mere ruminating over books won’t do. Read, digest, and then live. Read, just see what you have followed, understood. That also won’t do unless you live up to what you have read and understood. “
  • The Heart’s True Yearning“- “The yearning for a glimpse of God is the highest aim in human life. Receiving this human form, it is thy turn to meet God.”
  • He Came to Make Us Satsangis” – “Hazur was Truth Personified. He came to make us Satsangis–those who are linked with Truth.”
  • HE GIVES HIS HAND TO EVERYBODY“- “So to even the most sinful, the Master gives a boost and takes him above body consciousness, gives him a peep through the Door; and he sees Light….Then, if they are not attached to the world too much, they will be able to remain there.”
  • The Higher Values of Life“- ” So there are different values of life. The physical body has its own value, the intellect has its own, but the spiritual life has the highest of all.”
  • The Highest Ideal“- “Man represents God on this earth. And what is he? He has a body, he has intellect, but he is consciousness–the soul which is of the same essence as that of God.”
  • How Can We Please the Master?“- “So try to win the pleasure of the Master, by living as I have told you. Just have those qualifications that He has got in His life, write them down in your life, not on paper.”
  • How Devotion to God Bears Fruit” – “Earn your livelihood by honest means, maintain yourself and your family and also share with others who are needy, naked or hungry.”
  • How I Met My Master
  • How to Develop Attributes of the Master“- “If you keep somebody in your mind, you will react in his mind. If the disciple remembers the Master, the God in Him, the Master will remember the disciple. Action and reaction will take place.”
  • How to Develop Devotion and the Importance of Keeping the Diaries” – “So keep your diaries and eliminate all foreign thoughts from your heart. Our heart is at present divided. It should have no other thought except of whom you want to be devoted. Scientifically I am speaking. When devotion sets in, you will become helpless.”
  • How to develop love for God“- “We cannot have true love for God unless we see Him. To see God, we need somebody who can open our inner eye to see the Light of God and the inner ear to hear the Voice of God.”
  • How to Develop Receptivity“- “But remember that it is not in your power to gain His glance of grace. Grace comes as a grace only and cannot be harnessed with all your wits about you, nor can it be purchased. The secret of this lies in receptivity.”
  • How to Develop Receptivity I“- “So spirituality cannot be taught but it can be caught like an infection by those who become receptive.”
  • How to Develop Receptivity II“- “The Word is everywhere. … Those who become receptive by stilling their mind and intellect, derive full benefit.”
  • How to Love God“- “So when you have such a love and you see the Master, you don’t see His body, you see the God in Him. That is also the true love of God.”
  • Humility“- “Humility cannot be had by mere intellectual wrestling. That comes only when you see some higher Power is working …”
  • Hunger After God” – “Regularity pays–sit at the door, with full devotion, whether he hears or not. Hafiz says, “Sit at the door! Don’t be anxious whether your prayer has been heard or not.” You have done your duty.”
  • I am Thine, Thou art not mine” – “When will you actually experience the fact that you and He are not separate and not different?–when you separate yourself from matter by self-analysis”
  • “I Am Within You .. Come” a ‘heart to heart’ talk given at Sawan Ashram
  • The Ineffable Story” – “There is no greater aim or goal for the soul, when it is born into the human species, than to rejoin the Lord – to make its way back to its Source, via the holy pathway.” Sawan Ashram
  • Inn of Madness” – “… so in the true sense there are very few theists in the world, for a theist is one who has realized himself and has realized the Lord also”
  • In Remembrance of Hazur” – “The more you live up to His words, the nearer you will get to Him.”
  • Integration through Self-Knowledge“- “What is Spirituality? … It is purely a subject of self analysis – of knowing one’s self and of knowing the Overself – seeing Him face to face.”
  • Is Your Destiny Awakened?” – “Having been born a human being, then what does he do if his destiny is awakened? He will then meditate upon God’s Naam.”
  • It Is All His Grace — God is The Doer” – “So it is all God’s Grace that He takes over each one, nearer to Him day by day; just winding up all give and take.”
  • It is a Noble Search” -“… the search to solve the mystery of life has been born all over the world. The day that question arises in the mind is the greatest day of one’s life, for once it is born it does not succumb until it is satisfied.”
  • Guru Nanak’s “the Jap Ji” translated and comments.
  • The Jewel of Infinite Value” – Those who have risen above and have realized the Truth admonish us with the words, “Oh brothers, you are sacrificing a valuable jewel for a worthless sea shell. You are building castles out of sand.”
  • Joyfully I Surrender“- “The true facts and stories of the Lord are told by the Guru, Who is the True Friend; Unto Him I joyfully surrender myself in sacrifice.”
  • Justice and Grace“- “So this is the way in which you can escape from the reactions of the past. … When no “doer” is left, then God is the doer. You are absolved.”
  • a letter on “Karma” (Baba Sawan Singh?)
  • Karmas – A Time of Trials” – “Whatever good or bad happens to you, through whatever persons or object, directly proceeds from our loving Father.”
  • Keep a Vigilant Watch” -“Keeping a constant, vigilant watch over all your thoughts is what is wanted.”
  • Keep Your Mind Occupied“- “Forget the past, as I told you; forget the future. Live in the present moment as I told you. If each moment is looked after – a vigilant watch is kept – then? Everything will be all right.”
  • The Kingdom of God” – “If we have to enter the Kingdom of God, we have to enter the Kingdom of God within us and not go outside in search of it.”
  • KNOW THY SELF -YOU MUST RISE ABOVE BODY CONSCIOUSNESS“- “After rising above the physical body, you will have self awareness. When you rise above the astral and causal bodies, you will come into your true I-hood. You will see that “I and my Father are One”.
  • The Last Darshan” – “These are selections by God. They send the fruit – certain people to administer certain things. They know when to come and when they are going back. They won’t let you down, mind that.”
  • The Law of Karma” – “All bodies other than the man-body are bound; they have got no free action there. In the human body we are bound to a certain extent, as a reaction of the past, and we are free also within certain limits.”
  • “Learning to Die” a talk given before a small group January 1964 in Washington DC near the end of Sant Kirpal Singh’s second World Tour
  • “LEARN TO DIE SO THAT YOU MAY BEGIN TO LIVE”– “The body is not you …. You have to leave the body. This fate awaits everybody and there is no exception to the rule.”
  • Let Us Reform Ourselves” – “The holy Quran says that even God does not care about a person who does not think of reforming himself. By reforming ourselves, we can change the whole world.”
  • Life is a game of chaupar“- “We are all counters in this game of life, and just as the game is played, we all have to reach Home.”
  • Little Little Things” – “These are the little little things that affect the reservoir of our subconscious mind. And they react.”
  • Living Up To It“-“It is God’s grace that you get something to start with, the very first day of initiation–any average person gets it, even children. What greater grace could there be? Live up to it.”
  • Look Only into Master’s Eyes” – “Feelings, emotions, inferences they’re all subject to error. Seeing is above all. You feel. If you See then there’s no doubt.”
  • “Love and Intoxication” – “So we play with the world. Why not play with God? It is great common sense: if you lose you will become His, is it not so? And if you gain, then He will become yours: either way, you are one with Him.”
  • Love and Surrender, One-Pointed Attention” -” That is a matter of love–the very easy way. Intellectuals will say otherwise, but it is love.”
  • Love Beautifies Everything“- “Love is everything, you see. If we but Love. Develop Love; it is already within us. Put in an ounce of Love in your home affairs – there is Peace….”
  • Love is the Way“-  “Mind that, there is no sadhna greater than love. All outer performances, rites and rituals and the saying of prayers are only meant for love. If you have developed love, everything is there. There is no higher law than love. And there is no goal beyond love: because Love is God and God is Love.”
  • Love versus Attachment“- “Any love which you call love but which keeps you in the body is no love but is attachment.”
  • Love versus Lust (I)“- “This is the reason why we have become enslaved. We are coming again and again to where we are attached.”
  • Love versus Lust (II)” –  “How to differentiate and understand what is true love and what is outer love is the question.”
  • “Man, Know Thyself” – a concise introduction to spirituality and ‘Sant Mat’, the teachings of the Masters. This booklet was recommended reading before initiation so that one would have a basic understanding of the teachings. (PDF)
  • Marriage: Inner & Outer” and a “Wedding Talk” – “All Masters say that marriage is a sacrament, not a contract”
  • The Masters Come to Fulfill” – “Outer temples are made only to show God lives in the church which you are…. we have forgotten the true thing which lies within.”
  • The Master’s Message of Love“- “Sometimes tears roll down from the eyes; that is the loving tears for you all. You don’t know how much love I have for you. Perhaps if you knew, you would be dancing all around.”
  • “A Matter of Death and Life” – the special Satsang marking the completion of the funeral rites of Mata Krishna Vanti, the Master’s wife.
  • The Message of Christmas Day” – ” So those who have a Master should enjoy every day as Christmas.”
  • Mind: A Good Servant But A Bad Master – “For mind control you have been given a definite way. For concentration there is no high-road. The only way is to concentrate, concentrate, and concentrate. In due course it will come.”
  • Mind: How to Control it“- “Presently, soul and mind are identified with each other. So long as one is out-flowing, one cannot realize the Reality within.”
  • Mind your own business” – “… mind your own business. Have good wishes for all – that is all right – but be concerned with your own progress.”
  • The Most Natural Way” – “This then is the natural way that is given by the Masters. It is the most suitable for these days. … The concentration of attention is all that is needed.”
  • Naam and Ramayana” – “The Vedas, the Shastras, and numerous other scriptures declare that man has no hope of salvation without the Naam–One Naam is the Deliverer in all four yugas.”
  • Natural Diet– “So simple diet, simple living, and high thinking, is what is  required.”
  • Nature of Thought / Right Understanding” “One good thought will give you an abundance of good thoughts; all atmospheric right effects will come to you. One evil thought will bring you hundreds in train, do you follow?”
  • “Never Dance to the World’s Tune” – “… And do not dance to the world’s tune. Protect yourself from lies and hypocrisy. Everyone has God within them, so have love for all men.”
  • The Night is a Jungle” – “… Those who have made the best use of their nights, by knowing oneself and the Overself, have themselves been made…”
  • No Love Without Fear” – “These two things both come with adornment of Truth: love and fear.… If a person really knows something of that Power, he has an awe-filled awareness.”
  • No New Faith, Mind That“-“The basic principles of all religions are the same. I am teaching you no “ism,” mind that. Remain in your own faiths.”
  • Obedience – If You Love Me, Keep My Commandments” – “If you live by His Words, what is left between you and the Master? The servant becomes the Master.”
  • Ocean of Intoxication” “This is a prayer to Master to give us one bag of wine — of God intoxication…”
  • Ojas” – “Two things are required for success in any line you like. First, chastity, and second, perseverance.”
  • Ojas: The Power of Chastity” – “…Ojas is the power which helps you rise into the Beyond..”
  • O Mind, Listen for Once“-“…Birth after birth, the soul thrashes itself to pieces at the hands of the mind…”
  • … “The Mind Replies to the Soul” – The mind says, “O soul, whatever you say is true, but I am powerless before these desires and cannot leave them, even though I want to.”
  • On Bhajan: Do One Practice At A Time – “When you go within, and both of them combine, then that’s all right. But initially put in whole attention into one practice at a time. You follow? That requires practice. Practice makes a man perfect. “
  • On Controlling Our Thoughts And Living Up To The Teachings” – ” … you have to control the thoughts. Don’t fritter away your life and strength in thinking like this. Think positively. If you think somebody’s good, you’ll become good. If you think ill of others, you’ll become like that.”
  • On doing your work“- “We have to understand. “Well dear friend, He is within you, go ahead within.”  Intellect used for that purpose is all right, but once you’ve understood, then do it.”
  • One Full Year Before You“- In the scriptures of the Muslims, God says, “God does not change the lives of anybody unless they themselves want to change.”
  • On Independence” – “On the other side, of course, is where Master Power is waiting for you. What for? To sup with you. And you are outside!”
  • On Judging Others“excerpts from evening satsang
  • On Keeping the Diary” – an informal talk on the importance and necessity of accurately maintaining the self-introspection diary.
  • On Lust and Anger” – “There are five passions connected with the outgoing faculties, but two of them are the most dangerous: The first is lust. The second is anger.”
  • On Parents and Gratitude” – “When you are grateful, your mind is at rest; you feel satisfied.”
  • “On Psychic Powers”
  • On the Role of Women” – reply to a non-initiate about woman’s issues.
  • On Selfless Service“- ” This is all I would expect of you: love one another.”
  • On Selfless Service” (LOK) – “But give. Don’t give it as alms. Give, share with him, you see, share with him. To share with others is good. To give alms is no good because that reaction will come.”
  • On Sleeping, Dreams and Visions” – ” …There are dreams and there are visions. There’s a vast difference between the two.”
  • Out of Bondage” – “The beautiful soul has forgotten that God Himself is sitting at the tenth door awaiting her, but the poor thing is frantically lost in the maze of the other nine doors, and cannot experience her Lord.”
  • The Path According to St. John” – “Dear Friends: We are fortunate that we have the man-body. the man-body is the highest rung in all creation, and in the man-body only can we know God.”
  • The Perfection of Man
  • Permanent Happiness“- “So the permanent relationship is there within you, to which Masters unite you. Such a relationship which never ends, even after death. What a great concession it is I tell you!”
  • The Physical Body After Death“- “So physical body is like a good horse to ride on, you see. When you have made the best use of something, leave it. That’s all right.”
  • Prayer“- “What is real renunciation? When you renounce all other things except for One, that is renunciation. Not leaving your hearth and home.
  • Prevention is Better Than Cure“- “There is a proverb, ‘prevention is better than cure.’ … When you get a disease you have to cure it. It is better to prevent it at the very source from whence the whole trouble arises.”
  • Privacy“- “Let the wildflower grow in darkness. Let nobody have notice of it. When it is in full bloom then let everybody see.”
  • Protector and Protection” – The Who, how and why of Satguru’s love and protection of the disciple.
  • Purity of Heart” – “So you can regain your Godhead day by day. It is there but we have lost it.”
  • The Purpose of Human Life“- “God cannot be realized by the body or intellect or senses. He can only be experienced by the soul. Unless we know ourselves, the question of knowing God does not arise.”
  • The Real Hunger” – “Comb your heart thoroughly to find out exactly what it really wants and you will see that out of a whim, sheeplike, you follow others who say they are seeking the Truth; but this is not truly wanting the Lord.”
  • The Real Reality“- “Are we not children of God? Is not God Power surging in us from top to toe? Do we not live and die according to His Will? … Let us practice God in our daily life and be forever happily free.”
  • RECEPTIVITY: Let Your Instrument Be Free of Dust“- “It is all there; you simply need an instrument to receive it from here, there, everywhere, do you not? … So you can catch this like a radio instrument in your area…. You simply operate the instrument and receive. So, how wonderful it is to develop receptivity!”
  • Recollections from Master’s Military Life” – “Man does not become learned after leaving the body. Those who have more experience may have background.”
  • Remember the God in Him“-  “So we have love for all Masters, you see, the God in them. They are not Jesus or Singh or Kahan or Kabir or anybody, but that Power that worked through Them. This bulb is only giving off the light sent through it.”
  • The Remodeling of Our Destiny” – “We are living in an age of decadence, when moral and spiritual values are at their lowest ebb. With all these drawbacks and the numerous divisive tendencies, there is still a ray of hope of regeneration and reorientation.” President’s Address – Unity of Man Conference, Delhi India, 1974
  • Removing the Weeds — Little by Little” – “In the beginning you’ll find very few failures. But as you daily go more deeply, you will find more and more, more and more. Really they existed, but we had never gone into weeding them out.”
  • Riddle of Life“- ” In brief, a contact with the saving lifelines is very necessary if you want to salvage your own soul. ‘What does it profit a man to gain the possession of the whole world and to lose his own soul.’ “
  • Right Understanding Exalted” – Without the right understanding each one sits in pride, saying, “My way is the right one,” and attempts to force everyone else to accept it.
  • Righteousness, Detachment, Self-restraint“- “So what is Righteousness? It is not to attach yourselves to outside. You are not to leave the world of course, but you are to make the best use of the outward things.”
  • Rise Above — Come Out of This Delusion“- “Keep constant vigilant watch over your thoughts, every moment. If you watch the present moment, that will go on till eternity. Nothing can go wrong.”
  • Rise Above Consciousness of This World“- “God is waiting for you now–that friend is lying waiting for you–go back as soon as you can. “
  • The Role of Women“- “By coming in contact with that Bread of Life, and Water of Life, all virtues take an abode within you.”
  • RUHANI SATSANG – Science of Spirituality” – The Master’s concise explanation of the nature and function of his spiritual organization. (PDF)( Español)
  • “Sail on the Satguru’s Ship” – on mind & ego, Naam, love, yoga ….
  • SANT – The Master” – “Self-evident Truth requires no proof. The sun can be seen by nothing but his own light. YOU CANNOT BE LOST ON A STRAIGHT ROAD.”
  • The Science of the Soul“”It is due to the lack of practical persons well versed in pravidya or the science of the Beyond that we are offered shadowy rites and rituals, symbolic of the great Truth bubbling with life.”
  • Search for Truth“- “God is not deaf. He knows what is passing in our hearts and acts accordingly.”
  • “A Seed Has Been Sown”” … The seed cannot be destroyed but it can be developed here more quickly than there in the Beyond …”
  • Separation” – “…The more we have yearning like that, the more our mind is cleansed of all the dross of the world; it is washed away with the tears that roll down from the eyes..”
  • Seven Paths to Perfection“describes the seven basic requisites enumerated in the prescribed self-introspective diary which aid immeasurably in covering the entire field of ethics and help to invoke Divine Mercy. (also as PDF 2009 edition)  [available on book page]
  • Sin and Religion“- “Let me explain to you: God plus desires is man.”
  • The Single Eye or Third Eye” – “The Masters tell us that there is also another eye, called variously the third eye, the single eye or the shiv netra. Unless you open that third eye (which can be opened only while in the man-body), you are nowhere.”
  • Simran of the Five Names“- “The physical body is the human pole of the God Power and is meant for giving us instructions on the human level and to enable us to recognise our Satguru in His Luminous Form, appearing inside on spiritual planes.”
  • SIMRAN: The Sweet Remembrance of God” discusses the methods and benefits of repeating the “Original Names of God”. [available on book page]
  • Solve the Mystery of Life“-” At death, a soul withdraws to the “seat of the soul,”… where the “window” opens into the Beyond. When you go through that window, you will be able to see who you are, and will see that Controlling Power at work. Such experience can only be had in the man-body and in no other species in all creation…”
  • Some World Problems Beyond the Solution of Man – “Politicians are the worst people. They are chosen by us. You curse yourself; why did you choose them? I say sometimes to people when the Government is bad, who is the cause of it? You! Why did you vote for the wrong person?”
  • Spiritual Healing & Other Psychic Powers“- “On the way many powers will come up, but to engage in them is a heinous crime. You’ll retard your progress. Moreover, the karmic law is very inexorable. You will have to suffer for it some day.”
  • The Spiritual Revolution Explained” on the implications and necessity of true revolution.
  • Spirituality, not Spiritualism“- “What things help us to know ourselves, what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyze ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called Spirituality.”
  • Spirituality The Only Answer” – “Philosophy deals with theory, and mysticism deals with reality–direct contact with God.”
  • The Story of a Camel“- “Habit has turned into nature, you see. We are to unravel it.”
  • Stick to Your Principles — Sweetly” – “How can I be pleased with you people if you don’t live up to what I say, if you don’t put in any time to your meditations to be successful there? I’ll be pleased, overjoyed when you go up, traverse within.”
  • Subjective and Objective“- “So all this spiritual literature is directive, speaking of those things which are already within you and with which you can be given a contact from where that Power is manifest.”
  • Sweet Remembrance“- “The God in me is also the God in you… Simply turn your face there; you will find. The more you come in contact within, you will overflow with love; and outwardly, have sweet remembrance.”
  • The Temple of God“-“This is all right, and we should show respect to those places where people sit in remembrance of God. But He, God, resides in this body and not in the temples made by man.” – translated from Hindi
  • That Music Goes On Until The World Is Ended” – “That inner music is always going on but we are not in tune with it, because we’re choosing to have the life of senses.”
  • Thief of your Life’s Breath” – “Bhajan is imperative to right living, for the true meaning of bhajan is to go within and rejoin the Lord – nothing more nor less.”
  • The Thing Love Knows” – an informal talk given on the second world tour about problems between initiates, loving all of God’s creation, and developing/manifesting love in one’s life.
  • Think of Death“- “We have taken the physical mold as something real and think that we have to live permanently in this world.”
  • This World is Not Your Home” – ” … This world is not our home. We are conscious entities and our Home can only be All-Consciousness. ..”
  • The Thousand Headed Serpent“-“All the knowledge in the world will be of no avail, for mind can be controlled only with the nectar of Naam–God’s own sweetness.”
  • Three Questions” – “When I went to the feet of my Master … these are the three questions I did ask him”
  • To Gain His Pleasure“-“It is most difficult to please a Guru: …. His pleasure may be gained through respectful attention, obedience to His wishes, devotion, and selfless service to humanity.”
  • To Him Who Is Obedient, The Keys Are Given – “You must See things, otherwise the scriptures are sealed books handed down from posterity to posterity and nobody understands what is what.”
  • The True Bread and Water of Life“- “The soul is a conscious entity and its Bread and Water of Life can only be something conscious.”
  • THE TRUE GURU OR MASTER” – Guru Nanak was asked, “Who is your Guru, your Master ?” He replied, “The God-into-Expression Power, the Shabda is the Guru. My soul is His disciple.”
  • True Master and His Mission” – “Whenever we feel helpless in our struggle, and we do feel helpless in diverse ways, we call for the unseen hand of God to our aid.”
  • True Meditation“- “So meditation, true meditation – I might further add the word true- is only to be at one point, wholly and solely.”
  • True Meditation and the Virtues to be Developed“- “Yours is to sit at the door all alone, quite cut off from outside. It is for Him to give. You need not be anxious.”
  • True Prayer“- “… The Master replied, from our own level. He said, “The disciple’s work is to pray, but for higher things, not for the worldly things.”
  • True Satsang“- “I was just speaking something about Satsang, or joining the holy congregation of a Saint. It is a school where you are not only taught, but are given a demonstration of the God within you.”
  • THE TRUE SERVICE OF GOD OR GOD-IN-MAN“- “Any service done at the Will and Pleasure of the Master, in which there is no self assertion, bears forth ample fruit.”
  • True Temple is the Man Body” – “Truly speaking, body is the temple of God. We reside in it and God also resides there. You see? The true temple is the body.”
  • Twelve Months of Separation” – poems to Baba Sawan Singh
  • The Ultimate: Full Surrender“- “Ultimately we say, “If You give, that’s all right; … if You don’t give, even that makes no difference; even then we are satisfied.” That’s the ultimate–full surrender.”
  • Ungratefulness Is A Heinous Crime – “It’s all due to Him. How can one be ungrateful?  …. Ungratefulness is the most heinous crime in the world.”
  • U-Turn on The Path – “But He is not all of the spring. He is the mouthpiece of the spring. Water is coming from where it appears to be working or from where it appears to be emitting. After all, the water is coming from the spring, from the perennial source.”
  • Unlearning“- “So learning is a garland of flowers around the neck of a practical man.”
  • Very Few Really Want To Go Home“- “Even of those who have taken up this path…. They pray to God so that they may have something of the world here and in the hereafter. Very few there are who really want to go home.”
  • Wait Satan, Wait“- “What is good, do at once, what is not good, delay.”
  • WCAU Radio Interview” – “EH: She wants to know: since you have seen God, many listeners would be interested in knowing what He looks like. KS: Well, with the grace of God of course, I have had experience of Him. God is Light. All Masters say,”God is Light.” So It Manifests as Light. God is Light, love, and life. So, we can experience Him in that way.”
  • We Must Return to Nature“- “We must return to nature. It is no spirituality I’m talking to you, but it is a helping factor….  Simple diet and high thinking.”
  • What are the Principles of Bhakti or Devotion” – “…The first principle, the basic principle and I would say the grandest of all, is to know that God is everywhere.”
  • What Epithets Can We Give God? – “So that is why I say God is a mystery …. Simply keep quiet. The more you speak about Him, the more you belittle Him, excuse me.”
  • What ‘Guru’ Means” – “The communion with the Holy Word is what makes one really religious.”
  • What Have You Become?” – Living up to the Master’s teachings
  • What is a True Satsangi?” – “If you do this, one and all, you will find change in your lives. You will see change for your own selves. This is, I think, all that I expect of you. It is in your own interest and earns my pleasure for nothing.”
  • What is Love?“- “Love is the fruit of a tree. It is the ultimate goal, which develops and comes up within us.”
  • What is true darshan?“- “And the word darshan, using the terminology of the Saints, is when two become one. No duality remains.”
  • What is True Living?” – “You are not to tell others that, ‘I am a flower; the flower is very fragrant.’ Let the flower emit that fragrance, and let others say that the flower is fragrant. Let your lives prove that you have something higher.”
  • What is true love – I“- “Love is innate in our souls. … But love knows attachment. The love of the soul which should be attached to the Oversoul, or God, has been attached to the physical things and outward enjoyments.”
  • What is true love – II“- ” The most practical and competent way in which you can develop it is just to sit in the radiation of somebody who is overflowing with the love and intoxication of God.”
  • WHAT SPECIAL PRACTICES BEAR FRUIT“- “If you want to bear forth fruit, derive full fruit from your devotion, then be wholly and solely devoted for a while, do one thing at a time.”
  • What the Master does for the disciple“- “As a mother sacrifices all comfort for the sake of her child, even so does the Master sacrifice everything for the sake of His children.”
  • When We Are In Control, There Is No World” – “Unless you know yourself, you are not in a position to know Overself. Even then you do not know fully–you are simply to be absorbed, that’s all. It cannot be expressed in words.”
  • Who are you? Where are you? Where do you go?“- “The main thing is you have to leave the body. Who are you? Where are you? Where do you go? How does this body work? I think these are very vital questions, most vital, which concern our own self.”
  • Who is High, Who is Low?” – The soul is an entity of the Great Godhead; therefore, all the powers of God are in the soul–but on a smaller scale.
  • THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS WRONG“- “We must rise above the three qualities.  Discard the first quality [tamas] altogether. The second [rajas] helps if it is directed toward good. … But when it is combined with the satvic side, man works wonders. “
  • WHOM SHOULD WE LOVE – I“- “GOD is love. Our soul is of the same essence as that of God, so love is innate in us, and must have somebody to love. We are conscious entities, and we have to make our beloved an all conscious God.”
  • WHOM SHOULD WE LOVE – II” -“The outward experience that we can have of the love of God is constant remembrance, sweet remembrance of God. You can never forget Him whom you love.”
  • Why Don’t You Follow the Guru?” – “… The bedrock of all religions is the One Reality – Truth – the Alpha and the Omega of all creation. …” given April 1963 and sent on tape to US.
  • WITHIN THE ATOM: LIGHT AND SOUND“- “Real humility comes up of itself when you see a Grander Work working.”
  • Within This Mortal Form“- “All scriptures are within you – search them out.”
  • A Wonderful Concession” – “Those who are related to the initiates whether dead or alive, have concession. They are looked after, even those who are dead. When a man initiated that effect also goes to them; to those who have left the body.”
  • Woo Them By Persuasion“- “… kind words don’t cost anything. Woo them by persuasion.”
  • The Word Made Flesh“-“…They know the Father and others to whom they reveal Him. Reveal. The word “revelation” is there. That means That already exists with us, never leaves us. The matter remains only a revelation.”
  • World or God” – “But sometimes you are for God, sometimes for the world. Plus–minus nullifies everything. So decide finally what is your aim in life.”
  • World Peace in the Atomic Age” – “Without love no lasting peace can be maintained in the world and without the spiritual aspect of man being realized you cannot have true love.” Address to UNESCO, Delhi India, 1956
  • The Worshipers of Mammon” – “You cannot serve two Masters, you see. God or mammon. Is it not so?”
  • Your Most Personal Work” – “Now you’ve come to know what your real work, your personal work, your private work is. It is to know Self and to know God.”